Have you ever had a secret you were just dying to tell? Maybe not, but apperntly there are a lot of people who have... by now you have all heard of
postsecret; it is an online art/community project where people send in hand made post cards with their deepest and darkest secrets on them. To be sure the art is not allways great and the secrets not always "juicy," but the project always seems to hit a nerve one way or the other... and the best part is that you can make your own postcard to send your secret to the world! As I mentioned before many of you already knew this because its been plastered all over USA Today and NPR and such but for those of you who have not had the chance to visit the site check it out and see what you think

Well that should give you an idea... if you want to see more or share your own secret visit the site
I am addicted to post secret, it is a monday morning ritual once I get into work I check out all the new secrets. So much fun! - Sally