So Adam had an interesting conversation after church Sunday with old pal Lil' Lee... we forget what band it is, but Lil' Lee is in some local band and has been for a while so his conversations with Adam usually revolve around music. On Sunday however the conversation did not go so well... It went kind of like this:
LL: Hey have you heard the new stuff from such and such a band?
Adam: Nope
LL: What about this other band?
Adam: Nope
LL: Well I know you have hear some such track from this other band?
Adam: Sorry
LL: You suck.
Adam: Yeah I know... I'm old.

A While back Adam ran into Lil' Lee at Alley Katz for a show in which the band As Cities Burn was playing... while As Cities Burn is not and Adam and Jeremy approved band, they aren't bad so it is with guarded enthusiasm that we present the As Cities Burn Myspace page... On which you can currently here their entire new CD Come Now Sleep for free an entier week before it blows up shelves on Tuesday (forgive us but we are ex-DJays and some time we get caught up in the moment)... so got check out the myspace page and make Lil' Lee happy by supporting semi-professional Rock N Roll!
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