Thursday, August 23, 2007

Adam and Jeremy Say: Christians Can Be Artists Too.

Jeremy and I are always heartened when we hear about people who not only share our "Christian" faith, but also share our love of the arts/culture and don't see a divide between the two. We just stumbled across this young lady; Esther Havens, who is a professional photographer/Christian... and the only thing that rivals the awesomeness of her art work is the awesomeness of what she has to say about her faith.

Esther Havens work and her heart have us really excited; check out her blog for more info... and if you want to see more of her work visit her Flickr account, and then if you really like what you see head over here and buy her work

1 comment:

  1. To know that you're walking with the Lord and contributing to the overall beauty of mankind is an awesome thing.

    Thanks for making me aware of Esther's story and work
