Friday, August 31, 2007
Adam and Jeremy: Mayor Wilder Answers Richmonds Questions Again and Again and Again...

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Dylan, Dylan, and yes more Dylan

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Gorillas are good and Portman is good looking

Adam and Jeremy Say: Richmonders Hate Fast Japanese People, or At Least Their Food.

(Sorry about the image, but I don't actually have a picture of the place, and its not like a restaurant located in a defunct Philly Cheese Steak place has a website.)
Fast forward three years and here I am in Richmond VA where there are plenty of Japanese Steak Houses, but no Japanese Express places! How is it that Lynchburg a city of 68,000 people and 50 square miles can have half a dozen express joints in the city limits, but Richmond a city of more than double the population (193,000) and ten more square miles does not have one? Sure I can travel to Chester or Sandston or Midlothian or even Glen Allen and find sub par Japanese express but I can't get any in my home city... this is just silly. Now my research has only be of the phone book/web variety, but in all honesty I can't find a place that can whip up Teriyaki Chicken and vegetables in less than five minutes... Maybe Richmond has some sort of Bias against Fast Japanese Food... or maybe Richmond is just behind the curve... Five years ago when I was visiting Arizona you couldn't find a burrito restaurant to save your life in Richmond... sure there was lots of Mexican, but none of the burrito places like Chipotle, Moe's, or Baja Fresh that now litter our landscape... so maybe I just need to be more patient or maybe I need to continue to complain until some enterprising immigrants set shop off of Route 1 and makes me happy.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Adam and Jeremy: Jesse James Is Alive!
I Hope This Movie Does Not Turn Out To Be Lame...
Adam and Jeremy Say: Frodos Freaky Dancie Dance Is Simply Fab!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Adam Says: I May Not Be Superbad, but I Am Awkward, and I Love It!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Rob Bell Will Brings Turkey and Questions About Hell to VA/NC.

Adam and Jeremy Say: RATM 82407
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Bat For Lashes Pakistans Number One Export.
Hey we told you about Bat for Lashes weeks ago but you refused to listen... now the haunting melodies and E.T./Goonies inspired video is all you can think about... sad really... well then here take your fix.
Adam and Jeremy Say: Christians Can Be Artists Too.
Adam and Jeremy Say: Brand Spanking New Rilo Kiley Video for Silver Lining... You Know You Love it.
Adam Says: The Braves Are Still In Richmond? Could Have Fooled Me.
"Richmond plans to hire a consultant next month to run a nationwide search
for developers to transform the park and surrounding area along the Boulevard,
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Harry E. Black said yesterday"
The only way you can transform the park and the area around it is to tear down the bus station.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: New Foo Fighters Aims Take On the Man... Or Something Like That.
Seriously you know "fighting the power" is a cool thing when the FOO FIGHTERS are doing it... ah well.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: New Emery October 2ND

Adam and Jeremy Say: Rilo Kiley Under the Black Light

Adam and Jeremy Say: Against Me! Via Ben Lee
Against! Ben Lee
2007-08-20 16:39:26.977,
Story by: John Beardsley
Australian nice-guy-with-acoustic-guitar Ben Lee has covered the entirety of the recently released Against Me! album, New Wave (Sire), available to stream or download for free at his MySpace page or his blog. Apparently Lee became obsessed with the the album after checking it out because he "like[s] to keep [him]self up to date with what's going on musically in the world," and was struck with the cover idea on a plane ride from Sydney to Melbourne. Lee decided to go with Ben Lee Sings Against Me! New Wave for the title, although the reasoning behind that decision remains a mystery.
From A&J: And so the almost unexplainable rise of Against Me! continues...
Adam and Jeremy Say: Eddie Vedder Goes Roaring Into the Wild With Hot Punk Chick.

Sunday, August 19, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: The Legend of Dewey Cox LIVES!
How appropriate that on the weekend that the boys who brought us the 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked up are celebrating their latest success, Super Bad, we would post a trailer for their next hit...ugh... movie. Walk Hard is a spoof of music biopics, aka Walk the Line, Ray, I'm Not There (though we are totally stoked about two of those movies.) Whatever check out the trailer.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Adam Says: Goats
Adam and Jeremy Say: The Pope Himself Will Not Stop Us.
Obviously we must oppose anything the tries to limit our freedoms of speech and our freedom to practice our faith, and that on the surface was why we initially bristled at this story, but behind that there is a more spiritual cause for our concern. The Christian faith calls its followers to share their faith with others, but it also calls the believers to live without fear; placing their trust in Christ and Christ alone, and this code represents the antithesis of this teaching. Jesus Himself told his followers that people would persecute them, in fact ten of His eleven disciples were murdered for their relationship with Him, so there should be no surprise that people would be angry when a Christian share their faith with them, furthermore they should have full confidence that God is sovereign in the situation and whatever happens they have nothing to fear. It is preposterous to think that the Creator of the universe is in command of every aspect of your life but also think that men of a different faith are a threat to you.
Now don't get us wrong; we do feel that cultural sensitivity is important for Christian missionaries (and for that matter all of us regardless of faith). The Apostle Paul displayed this principal when he gave his message on Mars Hill; during which he spoke at length about the culture of the Greeks and then presented the gospel in the context of that culture. So don't feel like we are two American Christians that just want to run around the world tearing down mosques and screaming the gospel at people, because that is the opposite of what we are trying to say.
What it comes down to is this: people of different faiths will naturally be opposed to each other, and that is fine, but sometimes that opposition can become angry and even violent and that sucks but it happens. Christians however, cannot let the actions of some people deter them from helping to bring people across the globe to Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Adam and Jeremy Say: Shalom
Adam and Jeremy Say: Jesus Loves Naked Vegetarians
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Adam Says: Cycle from Richmond to WIlliamsburg with MeadWestvaco

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Adam Says: Edie Sedgwick/Seinna Miller Makes Me Sad

Despite the many negative reviews I watched Factory Girl last night with the wife and saw way more of Seinna Miller than I was prepared for.
Apart from that all I can say is that Edie Sedgwick is the sadest story I have come across in a long time.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Eisley Meet MAE... MAE Meet Eisley

Monday, August 13, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Sticky Rice Fan Site - Love Letter to Fans or Evil Corporate Ploy?

Friday, August 10, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Bob Dylan too much for any one man or and one band.

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Regina Spektor On Her Way To Richmond
Regina Spektor - Samson
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: We Burned Past 200 Posts, And Had An Awkward Conversation About Rock Music.
So Adam had an interesting conversation after church Sunday with old pal Lil' Lee... we forget what band it is, but Lil' Lee is in some local band and has been for a while so his conversations with Adam usually revolve around music. On Sunday however the conversation did not go so well... It went kind of like this:
LL: Hey have you heard the new stuff from such and such a band?
Adam: Nope
LL: What about this other band?
Adam: Nope
LL: Well I know you have hear some such track from this other band?
Adam: Sorry
LL: You suck.
Adam: Yeah I know... I'm old.

A While back Adam ran into Lil' Lee at Alley Katz for a show in which the band As Cities Burn was playing... while As Cities Burn is not and Adam and Jeremy approved band, they aren't bad so it is with guarded enthusiasm that we present the As Cities Burn Myspace page... On which you can currently here their entire new CD Come Now Sleep for free an entier week before it blows up shelves on Tuesday (forgive us but we are ex-DJays and some time we get caught up in the moment)... so got check out the myspace page and make Lil' Lee happy by supporting semi-professional Rock N Roll!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Jeremy Says:Meanwhile on the other side of the culture globe....
Disciple wrapped upped a three day youth Conference thingy at Redemption World outreach Center friday night, and I got to take my kid brother-in-law to his first hard rock concert.
Yes, I am now acting as a chaperone for the kids, but that doesn't mean I don't get to rock out. Plus, it beats going alone.
Sure, I may be old, but at least I'm not like all those other old guys.
Anywho, the concert was exactly what you would expect from a metal band that has revamped their image just a bit to not attract any of the real metal heads, but instead to be fun for "everybody" to bounce to. Yes, this is kinda a bad thing, but you gotta learn how to have fun reguarless.
Speaking of bouncing, there was a minor "moshing" incident that happend during the 2nd song, which was quickly broken up my church security.
Marcus(my tag along) got his first 10sec taste of the mayhem. The rest of the show, me and him enjoyed the non voilent head bang, and the ocational body thrust.
All in all, despite the downfall of today's youth to preserve the true "Rock Concert", we still had fun, and you should too.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Adam Says: Nickel Creek and Fiona Apple Melt Face and Rip Out Heart of Richmond.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Very Little, but Others Might Say More...
Jeremy likes work... Adam does not.
Jeremy thinks work is part of Gods plan... Adam thinks that computers are the Antichrist.
Adam thinks work and life should meld together in harmony... Jeremy thinks he should not be lazy with his free time after work.
Both Adam and Jeremy think materialism is stupid.
Since that did not really pan out here are a couple of stories we found interesting/entertaining:
Sweetie I think 8 sounds like more than enough... don't you?
Arkansas couple welcomes 17th child
Kinder Eggs are so tasty...
Chocoholic squirrel steals treats from shop
Become Nun and enjoy giving... EVERYTHING!
Liquidating Your Life
The Origins of Rocking for Jesus... apparently not Peter, Paul and Mary.
I'd Like To Dedicate This Next Song to Jesus
If you don't laugh at this you have no soul.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Adam and Jeremy Say: Worship Music Is Not Always Bad.
Five Iron Frenzy
Every New Day
Our Newest Album Ever!
When I was young, the smallest trick of light,
Could catch my eye,
Then life was new and every new day,
I thought that I could fly.
I believed in what I hoped for,
And I hoped for things unseen,
I had wings and dreams could soar,
I just don't feel like flying anymore.
When the stars threw down their spears,
Watered Heaven with their tears,
Before words were spoken,
Before eternity.
Dear Father, I need you,
Your strength my heart to mend.
I want to fly higher,
Every new day again.
When I was small, the furthest I could reach,
Was not so high,
Then I thought the world was so much smaller,
Feeling that I could fly.
Through distant deeps and skies,
Behind infinity,
Below the face of Heaven,
He stoops to create me.
Dear Father, I need you,
Your strength my heart to mend.
I want to fly higher,
Every new day again.
Man versus himself.
Man versus machine.
Man versus the world.
Mankind versus me.
The struggles go on,
The wisdom I lack,
The burdens keep pilling
Up on my back.
So hard to breathe,
To take the next step.
The mountain is high,
I wait in the depths.
Yearning for grace,
And hoping for peace.
Dear God...
Healing hands of God have mercy on our unclean souls once again.
Jesus Christ, light of the world burning bright within our hearts forever.
Freedom means love without condition,
without a beginning or an end.
Here's my heart, let it be forever Your's,
Only You can make every new day seem so new.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Adam and Jeremy: Tegan and Sara, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Bat for Lashes... How is that for an original title?
Band - Tegan and Sara - Song - Back In Your Head - Album - The Con
Yeah so they are attractive twin sisters that just so happen to be...... Canadian , but they certainly planned to be amazing musicians... as this track clearly proves.
Band- Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Song - Is Is - Album - Is Is
Hey the Yeah Yeah Yeah's are on tour... oh and this EP is ten times better than every other full length album Sheryl Crow put out combined and placed into a nuclear rocket.

Adam and Jeremy Say: Rilo Kiley Under Black Light