And now you have the chance to listen to a new song! After hearing it, I am far from disappointed and even more stoked about the cd coming out. Head over to purevolume for a spin.
Also, come join me in Charlotte as they will be playing on their cd release tour.
hey, have you seen this video from anberlin yet?
Not nearly as important as Anberlin, but just as exciting is this new website me and Adam found its an interesting interactive family tree site... its like family trees for the myspace era. However what makes this site really cool is this face recognition tool it has that can read a picture you give it and tell you what celebrities you look most like based on your face structure... its not to scientific so its not allways perfect, but it is great fun.
Thanks to Jamie Hall from 90.9Fm The Light in Lynchburg for the info on this website. If you are in Lynchburg tune on Friday mornings to hear Jamies "jokes" on the get up and go show.
Jeremy, I definitely see the resemblance between you and Bow wow!