On this beautiful Thanksgiving morning there are several things Adam and Jeremy are thankful for, like our wives, friends, family and Salvation. However, our list does not end there; it just so happens that this week, of all weeks, we have been reminded that we are thankful for Rock N Roll!
"Rock N Roll is dead," you may say. We contend this is not quite true; Rock may certainly be dying but on this week Rock N Roll has made one last fantastic gasp and for that we are truly thankful.
Not only did we get a fresh new EP from Underoath drummer Aaron Gillespie's fantastic side project the Almost, but we also got the most anticipated album of all time, Chinese Democracy, and may we say that Axl and his assembled Roses still Rock. Sure this may be the last gasp of Rock N Roll, but it sure is a great way to go, aint it?
We can see that some of you may still not be convinced, let us add that this week features solo releases from Weezer front man Rivers Cumos and Scott Wieland of Stone Temple Piolts fame... yeah that really isn't to convincing we know, but add that to yet another release for the Killers, a follow up EP from arena rockers Coldplay and new stuff from the voice of a generation, Kanye West... and suddenly our claims of Rocks last hoorah are not all that far-fetched... are they?
We know the onslaught of Myspace and American Idol poppers is unstoppable... the Internet and iPod have created a world of over produced one hit wonders (trust us that new T-Pain song is the same as the old T-Pain song) but for one last week we want to revel in the Rock N Roll... So thank you Rock N Roll... thank you for holding on just a little longer.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Adam and Jeremy Say: Love it or Hate it, you can't help but giggle
Not sure what these guys will come up with next, but behold the brand new video for Family Force Five. Unfortunately, not the best song off the album, but the video is...well, see for yourself.
How many artistic influences do you think these guys have?
Can they be any more dorky white?
How many artistic influences do you think these guys have?
Can they be any more dorky white?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Adam and Jeremy Say: The people have spoken. part 2
Adam Says: Did you know that proportionately black women commit 3 times more abortions that white women… meaning that black women account for nearly 40% of the nations abortions though they represent roughly 15% of the Nations women. I have been thinking about this a great deal lately.
Did you know that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood (pro-abortion education and lobbying group), is a proponent of Eugenics, an archaic theory that espouses the use of select breeding (like dogs) to create a better breed of Human. This is interesting because Eugenics is the same theory that Hitler used to justify annihilating Jews, and people dealing with disabilities. Eugenics was also behind the purposeful sterilization of black men by the U.S. Government in the 30’s and 40’s. Sanger went so far as to say that minorities and poor people were inferior and should use abortion to help strengthen them genetically. We should also mention that by the turn of this Century blacks had been displaced by Hispanics as the largest minority group in America. Now that has a great deal to do with immigration of Hispanics, but you may also draw a correlation between black women’s choice to kill their children and their statistical decline.
Jeremy Says: not sure how we went from a discussion on a current political issue to social trends and race, but I guess there are entwined. if what you say is true, then I think your theory holds validity. what Margaret Sanger said sounds horrible, but is that really where she was coming from? I've been giving people the benefit of the doubt recently, and there is pretty much nothing positive to say about eugenics. this is a tough issue, and one I've never thought about before really. it would seem true that if you tried to cut down on the # of pregnancies between "inferior" people, it would in turn create a society/culture that is less inferior. is that wrong? yes, because God chooses who is really created in this world, and he can use whatever people group he wants, so ultimately there is no human control. is it wrong ethically? yes, if you are using abortion to prevent the birthing of these "inferior" children. but, other than that, it is wrong to want to better society by saying, "hey, if you're not really fit to raise children the way they should be raised, maybe you should consider not having children." it sound gross coming out of my head, but you see what I'm saying? I mean who can honestly tell someone else, "you are inferior, so don't pro-create."? and that's the other issue, according to America all men are created equal, so there is no way to define someone as "inferior", but I think you can make a case of whether or not someone is fit to raise a child. I guess that's the point of social services. there would really be no need for social services if those people would not get pregnant in the first place, and now we are going in circles. this conversation leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and reminds me of issues we talked about in GNED Ethics class. and although, we might know what is right for us, how do we react to people who might disagree, or people who screw up and are asking for help?
Adam Says: I think we are wrong to say that anyone should not have children. The problem is not that poor people or uneducated people are having children, the problem is that we are not creating outlets for these people and their children to expand themselves past the very narrow paradigm the world is trying to keep them in. There are so many people who are willing to help out the poor and less fortunate, but there are very few who are willing to help them become rich and fortunate. Think about social services, they are willing to give you food, and willing to provide health care and education, but are they willing to teach you how skills that you can market to employers? Are they willing to honestly look at the faults in the current public education system and find creative ways to fix them? Are they willing to make health care cheaper instead of just making health insurance for expensive health care available? The problem, as I see it, is not with the people, but instead it is with the approach. You can’t give people food, housing, health care, and money and expect them to want to move out of their current situation. Instead, you must offer people opportunities and let them work their way out of trouble. Does that make sense? Finally, I seriously think that any measure of targeted, state sponsored birth control or baby killing, in the name of making things better or helping lesser classes of people is an offense to God and His Creation and should be stopped.
Jeremy Says: does the state currently sponsor planned parenthood or any other birth control? I see what you are saying about poor people or uneducated people, but what about druggies and deadbeats, etc. that abuse their children through neglect and other harmful parenting practices? that's more of what I was thinking about when saying that you could make a case for those people in their current state not being able to raise a child....or pro create. as far as offering people opportunities to let them work their way out of trouble, I totally agree... do I have any ideas on how to do that or am I qualified to make proposals on how to do that? no. seems there should be some committee or think tank that is in charge of that. I think it would be to much to expect the president to brain storm that whole operation by themselves. as of right now, I think everyone in America is looking to Obama to all of a sudden have these great/creative/inventive ideas that will fix everything. when he was campaigning, I didn't see really anything of substance from him or McCain that convinced me they had any great ideas to fix the things that are messed up...especially without breaking the few things that are working well.
Adam Says: Federal funding does go to operations that we would consider pro-abortion, like planned parenthood. What about druggies and dead beats? I assume both of us are operating under a intensely Christian world view, and as such I believe both of us feel that no one is without hope, so if Christ refuses to give up on a person why would we give up on them? By telling a person they are so awful that they cannot procreate we are essence telling them that they are so hopeless that nothing they could do would be redeeming, and this especially includes having Children.
Jeremy Says: that is crap! how can the government give tax payer money to organizations like planned parenthood?
you're right, we can't really say, "you're worse then me, so you don't have the right to bear children", but i did say "in their current state" it would be a good suggestion/recommendation for those people that they should not do it. and i guess if they are committing crimes against children such as abuse/neglect, then they are simply guilty of that, and should go to jail...which in a way is taking away their right to have kids.
Adam Says: You are an amazing observer, and yet an awful discourser
Jeremy Says: you really think my casual conversational tone is awful discourse?
Adam Says: No. I think your willingness to let your mind give up on issues is awful for discourse.
Did you know that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood (pro-abortion education and lobbying group), is a proponent of Eugenics, an archaic theory that espouses the use of select breeding (like dogs) to create a better breed of Human. This is interesting because Eugenics is the same theory that Hitler used to justify annihilating Jews, and people dealing with disabilities. Eugenics was also behind the purposeful sterilization of black men by the U.S. Government in the 30’s and 40’s. Sanger went so far as to say that minorities and poor people were inferior and should use abortion to help strengthen them genetically. We should also mention that by the turn of this Century blacks had been displaced by Hispanics as the largest minority group in America. Now that has a great deal to do with immigration of Hispanics, but you may also draw a correlation between black women’s choice to kill their children and their statistical decline.
Jeremy Says: not sure how we went from a discussion on a current political issue to social trends and race, but I guess there are entwined. if what you say is true, then I think your theory holds validity. what Margaret Sanger said sounds horrible, but is that really where she was coming from? I've been giving people the benefit of the doubt recently, and there is pretty much nothing positive to say about eugenics. this is a tough issue, and one I've never thought about before really. it would seem true that if you tried to cut down on the # of pregnancies between "inferior" people, it would in turn create a society/culture that is less inferior. is that wrong? yes, because God chooses who is really created in this world, and he can use whatever people group he wants, so ultimately there is no human control. is it wrong ethically? yes, if you are using abortion to prevent the birthing of these "inferior" children. but, other than that, it is wrong to want to better society by saying, "hey, if you're not really fit to raise children the way they should be raised, maybe you should consider not having children." it sound gross coming out of my head, but you see what I'm saying? I mean who can honestly tell someone else, "you are inferior, so don't pro-create."? and that's the other issue, according to America all men are created equal, so there is no way to define someone as "inferior", but I think you can make a case of whether or not someone is fit to raise a child. I guess that's the point of social services. there would really be no need for social services if those people would not get pregnant in the first place, and now we are going in circles. this conversation leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and reminds me of issues we talked about in GNED Ethics class. and although, we might know what is right for us, how do we react to people who might disagree, or people who screw up and are asking for help?
Adam Says: I think we are wrong to say that anyone should not have children. The problem is not that poor people or uneducated people are having children, the problem is that we are not creating outlets for these people and their children to expand themselves past the very narrow paradigm the world is trying to keep them in. There are so many people who are willing to help out the poor and less fortunate, but there are very few who are willing to help them become rich and fortunate. Think about social services, they are willing to give you food, and willing to provide health care and education, but are they willing to teach you how skills that you can market to employers? Are they willing to honestly look at the faults in the current public education system and find creative ways to fix them? Are they willing to make health care cheaper instead of just making health insurance for expensive health care available? The problem, as I see it, is not with the people, but instead it is with the approach. You can’t give people food, housing, health care, and money and expect them to want to move out of their current situation. Instead, you must offer people opportunities and let them work their way out of trouble. Does that make sense? Finally, I seriously think that any measure of targeted, state sponsored birth control or baby killing, in the name of making things better or helping lesser classes of people is an offense to God and His Creation and should be stopped.
Jeremy Says: does the state currently sponsor planned parenthood or any other birth control? I see what you are saying about poor people or uneducated people, but what about druggies and deadbeats, etc. that abuse their children through neglect and other harmful parenting practices? that's more of what I was thinking about when saying that you could make a case for those people in their current state not being able to raise a child....or pro create. as far as offering people opportunities to let them work their way out of trouble, I totally agree... do I have any ideas on how to do that or am I qualified to make proposals on how to do that? no. seems there should be some committee or think tank that is in charge of that. I think it would be to much to expect the president to brain storm that whole operation by themselves. as of right now, I think everyone in America is looking to Obama to all of a sudden have these great/creative/inventive ideas that will fix everything. when he was campaigning, I didn't see really anything of substance from him or McCain that convinced me they had any great ideas to fix the things that are messed up...especially without breaking the few things that are working well.
Adam Says: Federal funding does go to operations that we would consider pro-abortion, like planned parenthood. What about druggies and dead beats? I assume both of us are operating under a intensely Christian world view, and as such I believe both of us feel that no one is without hope, so if Christ refuses to give up on a person why would we give up on them? By telling a person they are so awful that they cannot procreate we are essence telling them that they are so hopeless that nothing they could do would be redeeming, and this especially includes having Children.
Jeremy Says: that is crap! how can the government give tax payer money to organizations like planned parenthood?
you're right, we can't really say, "you're worse then me, so you don't have the right to bear children", but i did say "in their current state" it would be a good suggestion/recommendation for those people that they should not do it. and i guess if they are committing crimes against children such as abuse/neglect, then they are simply guilty of that, and should go to jail...which in a way is taking away their right to have kids.
Adam Says: You are an amazing observer, and yet an awful discourser
Jeremy Says: you really think my casual conversational tone is awful discourse?
Adam Says: No. I think your willingness to let your mind give up on issues is awful for discourse.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Adam and Jeremy Say: The people have spoken. part 1
Adam Says: I think we owe it to America to give this President a fair shake, and let the chips fall where they may.
Jeremy Says: I agree about giving him a fair shake, but I'm not sure what you mean by "we owe it". here are the reasons I'm not worried about him being president...
-God put him there to begin with
-He appears to me to have (what he thinks) is the countries best interest in mind. sure he has some sketchy acquaintances, but I don't think he is plotting to destroy America behind his smile. and he might be wrong a lot of issues, but if he gives his best for the country, then I cool with that
-even if he wants to destroy America, he is only the president and there is not much power in that position in my opinion. hes more like a poster child of the country
-the only taxes I really care about lowering are state taxes....and social security taxes.
-I loved GW, and he didn't turn out so good, so even if I don't like Barack, there's not much place to go but up.
-GW was pro-life, and how much did that affect roe vs wade? how much will Barack being pro-partial birth abortion affect it? my guess is the same.
Adam Says: I agree with everything but the pro-life assertion… the fact is that BO will have his pick of liberal Supreme Court Justices and those appointed Justices will eventually have an impact on this issue.
Jeremy Says: but didn't bush pick two of those also? nothing came of it....
Adam Says: Yet
Jeremy Says: if they didn't make a decision before, why would they make it now?
Adam Says: Because they do not have the majority needed to do anything yet.
Jeremy Says: the majority in the court or the majority in the nation?
Adam Says: The court…
Jeremy Says: i don't believe that will ever happen.
Adam Says: That makes me sad
Jeremy Says: sad because that's what i think or sad because you agree?
Adam Says: Probably both, but I am only willing to admit the first point.
Jeremy Says: i just think with the way the country is so divided on the issue, and the way we seem to float back and forth from presidents who agree with the issue and disagree with the issue, there is no trend showing that we will ever get a majority in the court to make that decision. in order for that to happen, i think we would need a revival in the nation to where people make it a huge issue for the future elections...so much so they wouldn't care about taxes or health care as much as they care about over turning roe vs wade. then when there are multiple presidents elected who share that belief, there might be a steady enough trend to get a majority in the court.
Jeremy Says: I agree about giving him a fair shake, but I'm not sure what you mean by "we owe it". here are the reasons I'm not worried about him being president...
-God put him there to begin with
-He appears to me to have (what he thinks) is the countries best interest in mind. sure he has some sketchy acquaintances, but I don't think he is plotting to destroy America behind his smile. and he might be wrong a lot of issues, but if he gives his best for the country, then I cool with that
-even if he wants to destroy America, he is only the president and there is not much power in that position in my opinion. hes more like a poster child of the country
-the only taxes I really care about lowering are state taxes....and social security taxes.
-I loved GW, and he didn't turn out so good, so even if I don't like Barack, there's not much place to go but up.
-GW was pro-life, and how much did that affect roe vs wade? how much will Barack being pro-partial birth abortion affect it? my guess is the same.
Adam Says: I agree with everything but the pro-life assertion… the fact is that BO will have his pick of liberal Supreme Court Justices and those appointed Justices will eventually have an impact on this issue.
Jeremy Says: but didn't bush pick two of those also? nothing came of it....
Adam Says: Yet
Jeremy Says: if they didn't make a decision before, why would they make it now?
Adam Says: Because they do not have the majority needed to do anything yet.
Jeremy Says: the majority in the court or the majority in the nation?
Adam Says: The court…
Jeremy Says: i don't believe that will ever happen.
Adam Says: That makes me sad
Jeremy Says: sad because that's what i think or sad because you agree?
Adam Says: Probably both, but I am only willing to admit the first point.
Jeremy Says: i just think with the way the country is so divided on the issue, and the way we seem to float back and forth from presidents who agree with the issue and disagree with the issue, there is no trend showing that we will ever get a majority in the court to make that decision. in order for that to happen, i think we would need a revival in the nation to where people make it a huge issue for the future elections...so much so they wouldn't care about taxes or health care as much as they care about over turning roe vs wade. then when there are multiple presidents elected who share that belief, there might be a steady enough trend to get a majority in the court.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Adam and Jeremy Say: Guy Love, that's all it is.

So you may have noticed that ABC has started running promos for Scrubs coming to ABC.
Heck, yes we are totally stoked they are back for another season, but we are dismayed that Zach Braff has confessed this will be his last season even if the show were to make it another year...at least that's what we heard.
Anyway, so in honor of Adam and Jeremy and Scrubs, watch this video clip from a couple seasons back during the musical episode.
Wait. Are you disapponted we are not comenting on the recent election results? Stay tuned...
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